Chapter-11 Let the game begin

They took him to their war room. A large space where his men used to rehearse. It wasn't standard to compare with the old man's training room for his men.

He freed himself off the chain. He flexed and eased his muscles of every tension. He was excited and thrilled to beat some asses. His plan is going on just fine.

The men came in whispering to each other.

"What is going on?"

"Why are we here?"

"Is Damien being assassinated?"

And a lot of side comments. Damien just stared with the most stoic face he could muster.

"Damien Steel in here would challenge each of you one after the other, and the person that beats him up badly would be rewarded,"

The men cracked their necks and their knuckles.

The first man came up, Damien practiced the four Taoist steps taught by the old man and the man came crashing on the floor with a huge thud. His leg was broken.

The second came rolling a huge stick, Damien dodged the attacks. The man seemed a little bit rough and razzed in attacks. Damien did the double men stunt and back kicked the man to the ground, and threw the huge stick on him.

Mr Cowell tried hard to contain his amusement and surprise, how could he beat his trained men with trained and accurate mafia steps.

He suspected him. Who could have taught him those moves? For a psycho he is supposed to be beaten easily.

Damien beat up all the men in a flash. One after the other, breaking arms, cracking nose, dislocations. All the men were groaning on the floor. 

"Bravo, Bravo!! You are truly amazing," Mr Cowell complimented him.

"What do you want from me?" Damien asked Mr Cowell.

"I used to 'want' something from you, but not now there's no treasure," Mr Cowell laughed out loud.

"You killed lives for a fake rumour you heard and you don't feel guilty ?" Damien asked Mr Cowell, surprised at his lack of guilt.

"Watch your tongue boy! Watch your tone," Mr Cowell warned.

"I won't unless you let me go!!," Damien screamed loudly at him.

"Stubborn as your father, stupid as him," Mr Cowell reminisced as if Damien wasn't there.

"Why did you not just search for the treasure without killing?" Damien asked now on the verge of tears.

"That's no fun, don't be a party popper," Mr Cowell sneered at him.

Damien could only stare at the man. He has been longing to have a personal conversation with the killers of his family.

Mr Cowell whistled. Two hefty men came out and pinned Damien to the ground.

"And I'm going to end your life boy. But you have an option, work with me and you would be save,"

The sound of that irritated the shit of Damien. How could he join forces with his enemy? Mr Cowell didn't know what was coming for them.

Damien thought of Lily and Alexia in the hospital. He hoped Lily was fine. But with Alexia there , he had no fears.

"Never going to happen, dream on Mr Cowell," Damien replied.

"Oh! You are feeling sorry for your dead family, poor kid,"

Damien growled.

"You want to know why your family was really easy to eliminate ?" Mr Cowell asked Damien.

"They were too loyal, poor Mr and Mrs Steel, they were too trusting which was a disadvantage to them,"

Damien growled again.

"I can imagine Mrs steel's loud scream when she saw Mr steel shot on his head,"

Damien held his fist so tight.

"Oh, your baby brother. It's just so touching,"

"Shut up!!!!!" Damien screamed  at him.

"It's enough Mr Cowell, I won't let you spit gibberish from your mouth,"

"Mind your tone," Mr Cowell warned. "By the way, I'm not even done, the story is about to get down,"

"How did we know there was a treasure your family was coveting,"

Come to think of it, Damien thought. Who was that anonymous source that gave the fake rumour. That's when the problem started but who?

"Mr and Mrs Baker gave your family out to us,"

Damien's eyes widened at the revelation.

Mr and Mrs Baker were considered as very close family friends. Damien's dad had trusted Mr Baker to the extent of letting him into his office and business.

But this is how they replayed all the good deeds.

"Mr and Mrs Baker" Damien growled.

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