Guns are scary and enough to make anyone recoil in their shells, but not Duke. He has been handling guns for some years now and they are nothing but toys in his hands.  

The only thing is that he doesn't like that they are making Melody shake so much. He frowns and puts his hands around her and pulls her closer to him, they dare not point it in her direction.  

"We got news that someone was assaulting another here. " The first police point the gun around. " Who is that?" 

Duke rolls his eyes and shifts in his seat.  

" That would be me. " He waves his hand. " Any problem with that?" 

"No!" Melody shrieks. He can't help but laugh. Was she expecting him to deny it or something? 

The president stands up and draws their attention to him. He has this tired look on his face like he can't take any more of the drama that keeps popping up all the time.  

"Look, it was a mistake and you wouldn't want to arrest him, trust me. " He sighs tiredly.  

The policemen drop their guns and turn to look at each, the confusion is evident in their faces.  

" What do you mean it was a mistake?" The one who seems to be in charge frowns. " We got an urgent call that someone was being beaten and another to tell us to hurry else he will get killed. " 

The president drops his hands in his head and grieves for having a bad luck as a nephew, look at how much trouble he has gotten him into.  

He is too old for this and after all of this is done, he is going to make that good-for-nothing nephew of his feel his wrath.  

" Okay, so I hate to recall but this is what happened. " The president sighs. " My bank manager, who happens to be my nephew, treated my clients very disrespectfully and the good man retaliated. " 

The policemen exchange yet another glance.  

" What matter of disrespect can cause such retaliation?" He grunts.  

" Well, he asked to fuck my wife for a month in exchange for a loan, as if she looks like a prostitute. " Duke says.  

The men are startled and they put their guns away and shake their heads.  

" Yeah, that's a lot of disrespect right there. " One sigh. " Hope you had your revenge?" 

The president sits back in his seat, he likes the way things have been ironed out. He is going to be done with everything soon.  

" Please can you tell your workers not to casually call us like this again?" The police request. " We have a lot of things to do other than coming to prank calls." 

" I will address them about that before I leave today, thank you very much, officers. " The president nods.  

The policemen nod toward Duke and they start to leave. They have gotten back to the door and half opened it halfway when an idea comes to Duke.  

" Wait, officers, just for a minute. " Dule requests and he turns to the president. The poor man is wiping tears from his brows.  

" Mister Thomas, you promised me that you are going to treat Mister Maxwell's misbehavior and I want to know what you are going to do. " Duke leans back against his seat.  

Mister Thomas, the president, starts to shutter and wipe some more sweat off his eyebrow and then stammers some more.  

" Mister Duke, I promise to punish him very hard for what he has done. " He looks up. " I am still thinking of heat to do to him, but the first thing is to strip him of his job. " 

" That sounds good. " Duke casually nods. " But what I am not very impressed, I must say. " 

The fear in the president's eyes grows and his lips quiver as he tries to say something, but no meaningful word is coming out.  

" Look at my beautiful wife. " Duke holds Melody's hand and gives it a quick kiss. " She is terrified by the incident, I don't think that sacking him is enough, Mister Thomas. " 

" Sir, what do you suggest that I do?" He asks.  

" That's more like it. " Duke laughs, this is what he has been waiting to hear.  

" Officers, Mister Thomas here is going to ask for his nephew to be brought here and you guys are going to arrest him for sexual harassment and abusing his position. " 

The president's heart drops in his chest, but there is nothing that he can do, he knows that it's a just cause.  

The police officers nod, then all eyes fall on the president again.  

"Yes, yes. " He nods as he takes his phone and dials a number.  

He places it against his ear and looks around. It rings before it connects.  

" Yes, bring in Mister Maxwell now. " He drops the call and what follows next is the longest three minutes of his life – and the most uncomfortable too.  

The door swings open and the bodyguards step in, with Mister Maxwell in front of them.  

The policemen flinch as soon as they see the way he has been badly beaten.  

He can't even properly open his eyes, he can't even move his eyelids well. He looks around the room through his blurry vision and he wonders why he is back so early.  

" This is Maxwell, the manager. " The president doesn't even look at him. " Please take him away for further investigation. " 

Mister Maxwell's eyes widen so much that they almost pop out of their sockets and he lets out a frightening sound as he falls to his knees.  

"Please, I don't want to go to jail! " He yells out his cry for help. " I didn't even mean what I said to her, I swear I didn't!" 

" He actually increased it to two months and he promised me that there is no way we would get the loan if we didn't do it his way. " Melody speaks for the first time.  

"Oh, really. " The president frowns. His anger has doubled.  

" I was just kidding!" He cries. " There's no way that I would say that when you came in here with your husband and wedding bands. " 

"Silence, Maxwell, shut your filthy mouth!" The president barks. "Every time you open it, lies are all that spews out of it. " 

Mister Maxwell does shut up, but he doubles his cry. His loud sobs are funny because he thinks the louder he cries, the faster he will get Mercy.  

" Maxwell, I have one more question for you. " The president says calmly. " You better answer truthfully. " 

Mister Maxwell nods even before his uncle finishes speaking.  

" I will tell the truth, uncle. " He promises. " Please, don't let these people take me to jail. " 

The president folds his hands and leans forward.  

" Tell me, have you done this to some other people? Taken bribes in any form to give people loans that they are going to pay back with interests too? "  

Mister Maxwell wasn't expecting such a question and that makes him end his crying. He scratches the side of his head, it's kind of hard because his hands are cuffed already.  

He looks around like he is thinking and then he chuckles, he chuckles in such a shit deep situation that he has found himself.  

" Well, that's a question. " He has to confess. " I have to think a little longer. " 

The fact that he is even requesting for time to think gives him away and his uncle, who can't take any more of his bullshit waves him away and the bodyguards take off his cuff.  

He doesn't fully understand what is happening, he even smiles, thinking that he has gotten his freedom until the police replace the cuffs with theirs.  

He starts crying all over again, crying and begging for his life.  

No one feels any remorse for him as he is being dragged out of the office.  

" Thank you, officers. " The president says. " I will come and we will have time to talk about this when I come to the station. " 

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