Chapter 10: Peek Into The Past

Alecia lay down on the sofa near the office's window, with Wallace sitting on the chair facing her.

"Although I've put you in a deep sleep," he rested an open book on his lap, "you'd still hear my voice, as clear as when you were awake. Now, Alecia, tell me what you see."

"I feel very short." She chuckled. "Like a child."

"Interesting." He scribbled on his open book. "Are you sure you're a child?"


"Can you tell me where you are?"

"I traversed down a beautiful passage as if the stars had been captured and put on each side of the wall, with colors of blue, red, green, and white. I had an urge to touch them, but I shouldn't. Ahead of me, a white crystal statue shaped like a woman came into view. I ran towards her out of pure joy, but as I got closer, the walls of the passage ended. Below me was a bottomless drop, and the floor where I stood narrowed towards the crystalline woman. It didn't stop me from balancing towards her.

"Beautiful colors surrounded the inner walls, headed int
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