Chapter 11: Inner Potential

Alecia sat on the one couch in the living room, quietly staring into space. Going back to that place felt like a waste of time and effort. Nothing could be found there but a deserted space of rubble and smell of ash, and she wouldn't want Diana nor Virgil to be in the same danger she had.

Breaking away from her thoughts, she strode towards the bathroom and faced the sink, where she looked at her own reflection in the mirror. The glint of the scissors on the sink's rim caught her attention. She took the band off her hair, which hung down her upper back and over her shoulders, and let it loose.

Alecia picked the scissors, took a chunk of her hair, and cut it.

She stopped cutting, moments later; the small bin was now full of white hair. She adjusted her short hair and smiled as she made the last finishing touch, fringe no longer irritating her. Muffled voices coming from the hallway interrupted her from admiring her hair. Alecia moved towards the doorway to hear, and soon, she recognized
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