Chapter 5

In the king's throne room.

The male teacher was a teacher who was known to be quite cruel at school if the students interrupted his lessons. But it turns out that behind the cruelty, this male teacher is very kind and cares about his students even though this is another world and he shouldn't be their teacher. But he still tried to protect them.

Alucard bowed slightly to the male teacher and said, "Thank you, sir. But you need not worry; I will try to live well in this world. I'll probably already be a rich man in this kingdom when you see me."

Seeing Alucard's confidence, the male teacher immediately smiled and patted Alucard's shoulder again and said, "I'm sure you can do it. At that time, you can help the other students, too, without fighting."

After Alucard bowed slightly, Alucard immediately left, followed by the throne room guards. The nobles and generals in the room were still looking at Alucard with disdain.

The male teacher and the other disciples still did not know that the king, whom they did not currently see, immediately showed some movements in secret for the bodyguards who brought Alucard.

The guards immediately understood the intention of the king's movement, which was to kill Alucard by throwing him into the Abyss Labyrinth, the top 10 strongest labyrinths in the kingdom.

Then, the main uniqueness of the Abyss Maze compared to other mazes is that anyone who falls into the Abyss Maze cannot return. At least for now, no one has successfully returned from the Abyss maze.


On the street.

Several guards led Alucard to a luxurious horse-drawn carriage in front of the palace.

Alucard was confused about why he had to get on a horse-drawn carriage. Was he going to leave the capital? Since horse-drawn carriages were supposed to be used for long journeys, if it was just to get rid of Alucard and let him stay in the capital, then there was no need to take Alucard by horse-drawn carriage.

Seeing the hesitation on Alucard's face, a man in quite fancy clothes immediately came over to Alucard with a friendly smile and said, "You don't have to worry so much like that. I am a financial officer in the palace. The purpose of us using this carriage is indeed to take you away from the capital and live in another city."

"Because if you are going to live in the capital, then it will be harder to earn money, and the prices of things in the capital are much higher, so the five gold coins given by the king will not be enough for you to live in the capital for a year."

"But, if it were in another city, then it would be much easier, and the prices of goods would be much cheaper. Five gold coins would not be enough to buy a house in this royal capital. But if it's in another city that's not too big, then just one gold coin is enough to buy a sizable house."

Alucard nodded at the very precise reasoning of this financial officer. Alucard had previously thought these people would banish Alucard to a place filled with powerful monsters.

Why did Alucard think that? Because he had seen too many films in the previous world where a hero who was summoned but was useless and had no power would be discarded by the kingdom or god who summoned him. Alucard had no interest in becoming like them.

Although the main characters became strong in the films after being banished, Alucard had no interest in becoming like them because they all had to endure painful experiences to gain such strong power.

The financial officer quickly took hold of a bag and handed it to Alucard, saying, "These are the five gold coins the king gave. General Levi also gave an additional gold coin for ten gold coins in this bag."

"Be careful keeping this money because if others find out, they might try to rob you. Besides, ten gold coins is a very large amount."

Alucard opened the pouch and saw ten bright gold coins; Alucard immediately smiled and said, "Thank you. Please convey my thanks to the king and General Levi as well. I will repay the money they gave me one day."

Alucard then boarded the carriage and left the royal palace. The finance officer, who smiled kindly at Alucard's departure, soon changed as Alucard's carriage had already left the palace.

The friendly smile on his face turned into a mocking smile. He said, "This fellow is a complete fool. The king and general Levi gave him the money so the boy would not cast doubt on the other heroes."

"Because if the boy becomes hesitant and is not given a gold coin, he could rush to the palace and tell the other heroes, which would cause doubt in the heroes' minds towards the kingdom."

"That child thinks that the king and the general kindly give him money for a useless person like him. What a foolish boy! With that power, you are not needed in this kingdom. It's good that I speak smartly and could deceive and convince the boy."

After that, the financial officer immediately returned to the palace with pride.

Alucard sat in the carriage without knowing that the royal party had deceived him. Alucard was currently looking at the bag of gold in his hand happily. Suddenly, a voice rang out from the mind of Alucard, who was busy looking at the gold coins.

[Lord Alucard is a person who has a god-level occupation and thus is granted some unique powers of his own!]

[Lord Alucard has been given a divine servant and can answer all of Lord Alucard's questions according to the servant's knowledge!]

[Lord Alucard is the God of Analysis and is granted the level 1 ability of the Monster Analysis System and the internet!]

Alucard, who was currently busy looking at the money, immediately dropped the money in surprise. Especially at this time, Alucard heard the internet's words, which surprised Alucard even more surprised.

Isn't this another world? Why is there an internet? Doesn't that mean Alucard can contact people on Earth? With this, can't people on earth try to find Alucard with the internet?

In the middle of Alucard's thoughts, a voice came back to Alucard's mind. But it was different from the previous voice, which was very cold, and whether it was a man or a woman was unknown. This time, The voice heard was that of a woman who was friendly and not cold like before.

[I am your current servant of god. Give me a name immediately, master god!]

Alucard was surprised to hear the voice and thought for a while, then picked a name at random, "Aveline!"

[Thank you, lord god, for giving me a name. You may now call me Aveline.]

Alucard nodded and said, "You don't need to call me lord god. You can call me lord Alucard."

[All right, Mr Alucard, you can ask me anything.]

Alucard immediately asked what confused him, "If I have the internet, does that mean I can contact people on earth?"

[No way. Mr Alucard simply cannot contact others and play games with the internet. Mr Alucard can only seek knowledge on the internet. That is, with this internet, Mr Alucard can get all the information on earth that can be of great help to Mr Alucard]

Alucard immediately nodded and said that this internet was very useful.

With the ability of the internet, Alucard may be able to bring items in the previous world that could be surprising in this world. After all, although Earth does not have the level of power like this world, there is a lot of knowledge that is much more advanced in this world.

In this world, people only used horse-drawn carriages, so perhaps one day, Alucard could create a vehicle that would shock the world. Just as Alucard was amidst his thoughts, Aveline's voice rang out again.

[Mr Alucard, you should now try to leave the carriage!]

Alucard was immediately surprised and asked, "Why?"

[In my mind, these people are trying to throw you into the Abyss Maze, the 10th most powerful maze. All those who come to the Abyss Labyrinth will never return.]

[Rather than other mazes, the Abyss Maze might be better described as an abyss. Because the direction this horse carriage is moving from is the same as the Abyss Maze. I know this information because of the map application that Mr Alucard has on the internet. The map application has been adapted to the map here, so Mr Alucard is unlikely to get lost on the way.]

Alucard was immediately confused as to why Aveline would think that. But right now, rather than the palace people, Alucard trusted Aveline more. After all, Aveline was part of his ability or servant since Alucard had the job of the God of Analysis.

For a royal person? Alucard could not believe them at all. Let alone the mocking gaze in the throne room earlier.

Therefore, Alucard trusted Aveline more. But, at this time, Alucard said frantically, "Even though you told me like that, I have no power at all. What should I do? Can the internet help me?"

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