Chapter 10

Not wanting to get his friend involved or put him in danger, he smiled and thanked him for the second time. What was important was that he now had the faces and names of his enemies. But the last name he expected on the list was the man that stole his scholarship and his girlfriend.

He went back to his new apartment, pissed but more determined than ever. The anger he was feeling gave him a new lease to deal with the Meyers. He was going to leave them rotting on the streets just like they had his aunt.

He looked at his watch. He only had two days left to move the gold before they came barking.

With some of the money he was left with, he bought two huge boxes and headed to the house with a hired moving van.

The guards stationed at the house moved closer to the house the moment they noticed the van. Their gaze fixed on whatever the movers were carrying out of the house.

Daniel ignored them and went straight to the study room, locked it, and opened the gold enclosure. He still had two da
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