Chapter 65

Shelly tried to open her mouth, but Daniel interrupted her. "You will not be drugging him with that stupid LSD. I have something that is capable of not destroying his mind, but he would be institutionalized," he explained.

Shelly was at a loss; the more she tried to understand Daniel's plans, the more confused she became. He was definitely playing with them dangerously. However, making George insane had a lot of disadvantages on her part and Michael's.

"Are you in?"

"Ain't you close to taking us to jail? Why take George to an institution and make us pay for his stupid crimes you framed us?" She snapped at him.

"I don't have to justify my decision to you, but rest assured that I will get you and Michael out of this shit," he promised.

Shelly chuckled; she could not believe he thought she was that stupid.

"The only thing entangling you in this mess is your signature, and for Michael, I only have to drop the charges," he went on to explain.

Shelly took a long look at him; he was serious.
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