The Black Mage

I folded my map.


I put the map inside the subspace, pulled off the ‘Divine Book’, I decided to call a book full of divine tier spells, and after I picked up the book then I closed the subspace.

“I should arrive there 2 days from now.”

I am currently hiking in the mountains and my goal is to arrive at the village inside Kilswin Kingdom.

I avoided the bandits and monsters in the area using my very reliable Enhance Sense.

While I travel, I look at spells inside the Divine Book. I still cannot believe that they spend a lot of resources for their mission and the funny thing about it, I’m the one who will benefit from their hard work.

(Thank you evil dudes for working so hard and spending so much money and resources for me.)

I made a silent prayer.

However, I still wonder about something.

“30 pages of Divine Domination… where can I use them? Who will I dominate?”

Tap! Tap!

I raise my finger.

“The most common to dominate will be monsters.”

I nod my head.

“But I don’t want just any kind of monster… the rarest and most powerful kind.”


A warm breeze flows from the top of the mountains.

I even raise my hand to feel the gentle flow of the wind.

(It feels really nice.)

Then I shake my head when I get my thoughts back.

“However, big monsters or scary looking monsters will not be able to enter the city.”

Then I put my finger on my mouth.

“So how about humans… 8-Circle Mage and Aura Master… Hmmmm… that may sound like slavery but according to the author, dominate magic will not just control the mind of the victim but they will see the ‘caster’ as someone they admire or love, someone that they dedicate their life to.”

I shake my head.


“Monsters are more powerful than humans… just a 30 - year old dragon is already comparable to an Aura Master or an 8-Circle Mage.”

“Monsters are really the best… hahaha.”


I shake my head then I scratch it.

I just realized something.

(If I have 30 monsters with skill above Aura Master?)

“Should I build an army that can destroy a country within days?”


It’s funny because it’s doable, because I now have the capability to do it.

Except for a Titan. I can dominate any monster in the world.

“Hahahaha… Sigh.”

“The only question is what kind of monster dominates?”

I smiled.

“Well I hope I could encounter that kind of monster.”

(Though it will be dangerous because I have no way of fighting them.)


The warm breeze suddenly blew my hair and I combed it using both of my hands.

“This is refreshing, climbing the mountain feels like I am on a vacation.”


On the top the tower in a certain castle.

The wind blew violently.


The curtains are flying outside the terrace.

A man wearing a black robe and a human skull mask, moves to close the glass door of the terrace. After he closes the door he turns around and moves inside a big chamber, there is an empty throne in the back end of the chamber and his colleagues are standing in front of it. They wait silently and patiently until their master arrives.

Step! Step! Step!

The gentle steps echo in the chamber.

Their master is wearing a white skull mask of a noble demon. His white hair is very long and it says as he walks towards the throne. However, their master didn’t sit down and instead walked in front of them.

He glances at each and every one who is present here.

“My disciples, the items we! created were stolen by rats that gather in the forest.”

There is anger and disdain in his voice.

“The stupid nobles cannot track the items and he doesn’t even have a singles idea who has it.”

He releases his mana.

And I feel a chill crawling behind my back and penetrating my lungs.


The mana expands then immediately disperse.

The pressure from that mana made me catch my breath.

“But we will not stand by and watch the cat look for the rat. Instead!... we will steal it back and we will not inform those who are involved in this matter.”

“Every one of you will be assigned to investigate each and every person involved in this matter.”

He looks at the side of the chamber and an apprentice moves towards us. He gives us a piece of paper that has the information regarding our assignments.

“You’re not stupid enough to know what that piece of paper is, are you not. If you didn’t know what to do with it, just kill yourself here and now, and offer your stupid soul to our cause.”

Then he looks at another set of apprentices.

“Now this…”

The apprentices started to distribute the books.

“Are the copies of the demon summoning book… These books were supposed to be given when you reach 4-Circle but.”

“We don’t know who the enemy is, and just in case you need a powerful weapon. There are summoning rituals in this book that you can use.”

After his speech he looked at us then the Master moved to exit the chamber.

Step! Step!


“If you find the rat.”

He looks back at us.

“Kill him!”

We arrived at Slothub using the expensive teleport scroll and started our mission.

I quickly change my clothes to adapt to this mission and look for my first target.

They call their party, Drunk Cat and they take part in the Varic Bandit subjugation quest. The information said that they are group 2, which means they are part of the raiding team. I look them up and it seems that they are undergoing a Caravan Escort quest tomorrow.

(Tsk! I almost miss them.)

After learning that they will undergo a quest tomorrow. I use my fake adventurer card and immediately bribe the guild administrator to include me in the upcoming escort quest.

(This will be easy. I will observe them in the distance and I will not engage whatever happens. I will just report back if I find the location of the book that we made. I will let the higher up attack the rat who stole the book.)

(This way… I will gain recognition without even lifting a finger.)


This is the second day of the mission, so far everything is fine and I just observe them thoroughly.

There is no suspicious action from the group.

It is already night time and the people already set up their tents. I am at the side of the caravan observing the party.

One of the party members, Carl, their archer, stands up and walks towards the forest then another one follows him, Fred, one of the warriors in their party.

(There is nothing to do around here? Is he going to piss?)

I slowly stand up and move towards the forest to follow them.

“Tsk… I cannot find them.”

I thought I saw them go in this direction but they suddenly disappeared.

“Are you looking for us?”

My eyes widen as I turn around.

Then the man behind me used his hand to block my mouth.



(Shit! I can’t cast.)

Fuuuu! Fuuu!

Puck! Puck!

Two arrows were launched and they hit both of my legs.

I lost my energy to stand.


“Who the fuck are you ha?”

I shake my head. I wanted to speak but his hand was blocking my mouth.

Then fear came to me.

(They know… They know I’m a mage.)

(How? How? I didn’t dress up as a mage, I hid my wand and I even displayed my sword.)

He pushes me down.


He presses his body over me and puts his knee on my chest.


Then three party members came into my view.

Carl is pointing his arrow in my head in very close range. Then another member pulls out his spear, Spencer, their mid-range warrior, and positions the tip of the spear beside my ribs.

(I have to explain. I have to explain.)


“What do we do with this one?”

The one gagging my mouth asked his other team member.

(I have to explain so they will let me live.)

“Let’s check his belongings first?”

(No! No! No!)


I tried to resist, I moved my body.

But then the spear stabs my right hand and another member steps on my left hand, Sam the only mage in the group.

Then a guy suddenly appears; he is the leader of this group, Gibby. He walked toward my bag and he said.

“You thought we are stupid? You thought you could bribe Natty? You’re the stupid one!”

He is looking down on me.

“The guild administrator is like family to us… did you really think you can get away with it.”

(Shit! Shit! Shit! I made a mistake!)

“Natty knows my wife and my kid… do you really think she would sell us for a couple of gold.”

He then takes out a knife and grazes my face with it.


“Even if you shout, no one will help you.”

He said that in a relaxed manner.

My eyes open wide and look at them.

They all smiled at me.

“Everybody on that caravan already knows about you. The merchants. The other adventurers. Do you really think we don’t know the people who are with us? Some of those people are family friends and others are friends of our friends.”

Dum! Dum! Dum! Dum!

He looks me in the eyes.

“You are the only person that didn’t belong in that caravan.”

“Now let's see your…”

Dum! Dum! Dum! Dum!


He picks up the demon summoning book.

Then pass it to the person who steps on my hand. Sam looks at the book and she suddenly frowns.

“Black Mage.”

Each of them look at each other.

(I know that look! I know that look! No! No!)


Gibby growls from anger.

“A black mage is stalking us and you even have a demon summoning book.”

“What does that mean, I wonder?”

Gibby asks Sam with a very angry and sarcastic tone.

“He wanted to sacrifice us.”

Sam calmly replies with a dagger look in her eyes.

“NNNnnnnNNnnNnnNNNnn. TThhhhIi.”

(Nooo! That’s a mistake!)

The leader nods at his team mate.

Puck! Puck!


I am now resting in the small village in Kilswin.


“Somehow, after arriving here I already feel safe.”

I arrived last night and I already had a good night's sleep.

This morning, I felt refreshed and began preparing to extract the Essence from the young girl’s heart.

Again, I don’t know if she has an Essence because the author didn’t even mention it in the book. This is just a ‘punch to the moon’ kind of thing.

“Well whether she has an Essence or not I already receive a lot from that mission.”

I look at the eggs resting on my table.

I just recharge the magic tools and a clear ‘empty’ magic crystal was lying beside the incubator.

I smile and I feel really satisfied after finishing the first two missions after arriving in this world.

I stretch my hand and look at the sunny weather outside.

Blop! Blop!

I look at the boiling pot with the Essence concoction in it.

It is still red and I already mix the grounded high quality monster core. However, it’s still early to know if there is an Essence in the heart.

I waited for a bit and suddenly it started to turn purple.



I suddenly laugh and I notice that some people outside look at me.

But I cannot help it. I am overjoyed.

I cut my hand and dropped some blood inside the concoction.

I wait for it to turn into a clear crystal potion.

I slowly put the heart on a nice and clean container and I sat down on the bed with the concoction by my side. My body shudders just remembering the pain that I went through after taking the potion.

I glance at the sunny window with a happy face.

“This is for my future.”

I lifted the pot in the air and it seemed like I was toasting with the sun.





I slowly put down the pot and lie in my bed.

Then it begins.

The heart pounds so fast and I can feel an extreme pain in my heart.

Dum! Dum! Dum!

My hand started to cramp, then it crawled throughout my body.

“Heee… Here… it co...comes… arggggg…”

I grind my teeth as I fall asleep.

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