A Truce?

Gone were the days he believed being the center of attention was the best thing ever, which was just a few days ago. it was starting to become a misfortune more than it was a blessing.

What if Velma really turned against him, and joined sides with her brother to fight him? But did he have to worry about that?

He was a trained fighter, all he did was fight, he didn't have to care, he shouldn't.

"Where are we headed?" He asked, putting his thoughts away and embracing the new distraction.

He didn't mind. He'd admit he felt good and on top of the world having this kinds of attention.

And a silly part of him didn't want it to end.

"You'll see. It's just something I've been trying to get a while now and I'm finding it difficult. Maybe you can win it for me "

What the hell was she talking about?

They crossed the library entrance and came out to the main hall when he saw Rose, and she spotted them as well.

Her face was blank of expression, even bored, as she came over. "I've been loo
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