It surprised. Why did she decide to release me first? She could help herself first… “Now help me. So helping each other and actually holding hands so that the paper clip does not disappear into the air, we got out of the steel fetters holding us back. - Finally! Katherine whispered wearily, leaning against an iron beam. Her chest heaved up and then down heavily in time with her greedy breaths. After just a couple of minutes, we were out of breath as if we had run a couple of kilometers of cross-country. But we still need to get out of here and face those who kidnapped us.

- Get down! Katherine whispered as she jumped at me. She pressed my body to the floor, and she fell down herself, trying to completely hide behind boxes with broken equipment and a bunch of tools from above. At first I did not understand what all this was for, but then I managed to hear quiet steps. Someone was walking in our direction with a confident, neat step. Is it one of our guards? They finally decided to sh
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