Something too often, being in a new body, I get into some kind of trouble. As soon as we let Katherine into our house, the door of the apartment was knocked out by an explosion, and we were seized. Memory helpfully throws up scattered fragments of a conversation that we had before the attack. Kat, one might say, fell on my head like a Japanese kamikaze on an aircraft carrier.

The girl was out of her mind. Dilated pupils looked at me with insatiable hunger and desire, the scarlet skin of her face, frequent heavy sighs, she looked more like an excited drug addict than a harsh and terrible detective. She tried in every possible way to get close to me, and this made her uncomfortable. She pressed me against the wall, breathed into my neck, so at the same time she was also rude.

Crap! I can’t say that I don’t like assertive girls who take the initiative in their own hands, but not when everything goes like this. Although it is worth recognizing it turned me on. I have never been a fan of
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