Chapter 8. It Is Not Easy Fur The Church Rat

Chapter Eight; It Not Easy For The Church Rat

In other not to raise suspicion or to make it obvious that he has someone backing him, Lucas did not get an apartment off campus like the other rich students did.

Instead, he stayed in the campus, not just anywhere, but at the hostel made for those people under a scholarship.

At first he didn’t mind because he thought he’d be staying with commoners who could only afford to attend the school because of their brains instead of their pocket.

If he also stayed with them he’d be forced to concentrate only in his book and have a peaceful life in school.

But he didn’t know faith was cruel, things didn’t always go as plan, never has and probably never will.

He soon found out that the school also held another doom for him when he met Santos the very first day of school resumption.


He collided with a hard body throwing him off balance so that file he was holding fell down and the papers flew away with the wind.

Lucas hurried to follow after them, they were important papers including his admission letter and his scholarship declaration, he shouldn’t loose it.

But unfortunately no matter how he went after the paper, it still landed in a pond of rain stagnant rain water.

He took the papers, hissed and wanted to go away to find a replacement but Santos had other ideas, he went in front of him and read the headings.

“Of cause, how can a church rat like you afford to stay in this school if not by scholarship? People like you will just finish our government’s money” Santos said provokingly.

He also didn’t forget how Lucas had disturbed his party a month ago by serving the wrong drinks and trying to lecture him, he wanted to deal with him then, but it turns out he was protected by the police.

He step forward and stood in front of him, his bodyguards also moved forward ready to protect him should in case a fight should brake out.

“Last time you got away because the police protected you, let me tell you, it’ll never happen again, I’ll personally deal with you myself, you even dare to come to a prestigious school like this”

After saying that, he wanted to hit him on the face, but when he looked around and saw many people, he refrained himself with the promise of making life hell for Lucas.

And he kept his promise, until the last day he made sure to make Lucas’s life hell in school.

As for Lucas, every time he tried to retaliate, he is being reminded of who he came here as and why he couldn’t afford to get his education messed up, so he had to come up with ways to help him bare with it to the end.


After three years in the university, Lucas was invited into the principal’s office.

“Mr. Lucas Baron, you performed exceptionally that you graduated after three years a captures that would hav Whalen you four years. So accept my congratulations”

Lucas looked at the outstretched hand and wondered if every student that graduated gets invited to the principals office for a handshake.

The truth was that he wasn’t the only one who finished their course a year shorter than the stipulated time so he was surprised that he was the only one invited.

“Thank you Mr. Principal, do you always invite your students for a handshake? That’ll be more encouraging”

“Well I did invite you here because I wanted to tell you something, you see you’re an intelligent young man even more than aL your peers in this school, indeed you are intelligent, but you are unfortunate to have a limitation” The Principal said with a serious look on his face.

“What do you mean limitation? I’m graduating right?” Panic was written on Lucas’s face.

“Every year we choose among the exceptional students a Valedictorian who have achieved the highest level of academic excellence in the school. And you not only are graduating with a perfect 5.0 GPA, you are also qualified because you have extracurricular activities such as track and field backing you up”

Lucas was stunned.

“Principal, are you saying that I am the Valedictorian?” He was already smiling from ear to ear, finally his father would definitely be proud of him and accept him when he hears this news, he was so happy.

“Now calm down Mr. Lucas, I didn’t say that, You rennet I just mentioned that you have a limitation? Well our prestigious school would only pick someone from a an equally prestigious family, but you are practically a nobody, there’s no one backing you so we had to go with the second person in line.

He has also qualified for it and is also from a wealthy family. I just wanted to tell you that you did well child, but in this life, you should have a strong backing if you want to go far.

I’ll give you a few minute to calm yourself alone then you can go out and close the door”

Lucas appreciated the few minutes he was given, he didn’t understand it, he was furious because he had yet again lost something valuable to him.

He also knew that no matter how he fights it, unless he can prove to be wealthier than the other party, it would be useless.

He wanted to reveal that he was also from a good family, but he remembered his mother’s words, he didn’t want to jeopardize the plan she has for him, after his graduation she’ll introduce him to the whole world.

He could only suppress his anger and make a call. He dialed her number twice but she didn’t pick, she must be busy enjoying the fancy lifestyle he thought.

He picked up his file and left sorrowful. Even when his roommates were asking him what happened, he couldn’t explain to them how he had lost the valedictorian because the public are not aware of his family.

The next day which was graduation day, Mellisa came for the ceremony but hid herself and only met with Lucas when people were nit watching them.

“Since we’re going to announce my identity soon, why don’t you want to be seen with me?” He asked a little frustrated by it.

“We’ll don, we’ll wait and announce it first then we would be able to hang out freely, after all your father pays attention to my every movement, it wouldn’t be nice to surprise him like that, I’ll take you to meet him after this”

Hearing that he’ll be taken to meet his father, Lucas calmed down and attended the ceremony, he soon found out that the rich kid who took away the position of valedictorian was nobody else than Santos, how expected.

After the official ceremony, he didn’t wait for the after party, he just went back to the hostel and packed his stuff ready to go back home.

Yet again he was welcomed with a surprise.

As soon as he entered the hotel, he was expecting a big celebration to welcome him, but he was wrong yet again, the place was very quiet and nothing glamours was being planned, there’s also no one else around.

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