Chapter 10. Cursed The Day He Was Born

Chapter Ten; Cursed The Day He Was Born

Lucas knew that he had went overboard by pushing the old man, but he couldn’t help it. He was provoked by the man who should be his father.

He clenched his fists so tight as if he was going to fight someone.

He looked around and saw that the hotel staff were all rushing to the penthouse which meant that Melissa had already called for help.

Lucas didn’t go very far, he stood by a corner and watched from afar when an ambulance came and took him away.

His mother’s troubled face didn’t escape his view. She had make up smeared on her face which meant that she had been crying.

He felt a ping of pain in his heart and regretted putting her in such a situation.

“Is it true that I’m just a bad luck?” He asked himself recalling the way Patrick pushed his mother mercilessly and slapped her several times all because she mentioned him to the man.

He wanted to follow her and apologize but the bush had already left.

He looked at the inscription on the bus and saw that ‘Specialist Hospital’ on the white big car and nodded his head.

All of a sudden he started running towards the opposite direction of the hospital. He ran with full speed with the aim of reducing the anger that was boiling inside him.

But the faster he ran, the more the words kept ringing in his head

“You were never a Baron and you never will”

He remembered all that he had been through, and he even had to go to a prestigious school and work so hard under the daunting of the rich, but he didn’t let it affect him, he was determined and even ended up the valedictorian which by the way was taken away from him.

Isn’t it too much for one person to handle?

If his father hated him so much then why did he conceive him?

Why didn’t he use protection when he was sleeping with his mother?

Even after the deed had been done, why didn’t they just snort him? For Lucas, it seemed to be the best option.

For a father to give birth and not be able to cater for the child isn’t it useless?

Lucas started cursing the day he was born.

“I wish I was never born then I wouldn’t have to see this day”

He shouted out loud and other shop owners by the side of the streets just stared at him like he was a mad man.

As if on cue, a G wagon just passed beside him and came so close to him then splashed rain water on his body as if to mock him.

Lucas eyes the car and Chantelle’s his anger towards the driver.

Without thinking about it, he climbed the road and started following the car.

Without any aim, he followed the car with great speed but no matter what, his speed was nothing compared to the car.

The driver saw the young man running after him and thought that he was mad, he increased his speed and outran him.

Lucas was left standing in the middle of the road like a mad man and other drivers kept horning at him to leave the road.

At the end, he left the middle of the main road and let running by the side, he looked at his surrounding and noticed that it wasn’t very far to the hospital that Patric Baron was taken to.

Then he increased his speed toward that direction, this time, he had an aim of finding out the main reason why that man called Baron hated him.

He ran all the way until he saw the sign board of the Specialist Hospital before he stopped running.

Breathing heavily, he stood by the sign board and held his breath before entering.

He didn’t want another situation whereby the gatemen would send him away because he looked like a madman, he was already tired of such scenarios.

But as soon as he entered the hospital gates, he was welcomed with the view of a pregnant woman heavy in labor about being helped to the hospital by a nurse.

He looked around but didn’t see any man beside her. As usual the men were not always there. Lucas felt bad for the unborn child because from many indications he was going to suffer.

“Who knows? He might even be rejected just like me” Lucas said and the fire in his heart intensified.

He stormed into the hospital in the new graduation suit that his mother had gifted him.

Although some parts of it were already soiled with the direction water from the streets, It was still a custom made by a big designer that was why no body stopped him from entering a dignified hospital like this.

“Is any Baron admitted into this hospital? Where is he?”

Lucas asked the attendant behind the counter with a cold expression.

The lady saw his cold stare and became nervous.

“Sir… who are you?…. We can’t just give … give … those information just to anyone” The attendant stammered in front of him.

Lucas looked at her coldly, clenched his teeth and answered with one word.


He was really impatient, he felt like he already tried a lot by even asking them like a civil man, he could have went in if he decided to act according to his anger level at the moment.

Her eyes widened in shock when she heard him say that word.

Did Mr. Baron really have another son? How come no one knew him before now?

“He’s in the emergency room to your left sir” she pointed to the left and and followed her direction.

When he left, the other attendant came close to her and gossiped.

“Did he really say he was Mr. Baron’s son how come? Mr. Baron is practically the richest man in Asia and he is only known with one son so where this this one come from?”

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