Chapter 33: Resisting

The process took a whole week, and about 30 of the soldiers that was working for the Information Guild turned out to be nothing more than frauds who inflate their track record.

And this move has actually increased the profits of the Information Guild as they weren't wasting their money anymore on soldiers who does nothing more than lazing around.

"Chief General, we have already clean out and kicked our all of the fraudulent soldiers." The General said.

"That's good. General Fin, I too am going to continue climbing, so while I am aware for a day, take good care of the everything. Also use the board members to help you." Jonathan said before teleporting away.

"But sir!" General Fin tried protesting against the decision but Jonathan had already teleported away. "I can't lead this much of people... Is this even okay according to the policy?" He asked himself before he saw Sun Wukong returning and appearing in front of him.

"Sir! Thank goodness you are here! Jonathan left me to be the acti
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