Chapter 35: Fat Man & Little Boy

"No, we are not. At least, not yet. I have found a quick solution, and that is where you come in." Arthur said as he pointed at the Head of Diplomatic Affairs.

"You are planning to sign a peace treaty right?" The Head of Diplomatic Affairs asked.

Arthur nodded, "If we do that we don't need to spend as much money and lives."

"Well, that might be true. But it's not easy to settle things in peace either. They have so much to gain if they go to war. If they sign the peace treaty, the amount of money that they will be able to get is astronomical." The Head of Diplomatic Affairs said.

"Oh, I know. But don't worry, I know exactly what to do." Arthur said as he laid his back on his chair."For now call the diplomatic heads of our neighboring countries, I will be talking to them"

Just as he ordered, the Head of Diplomatic Affairs followed and now Arthur was in a room filled with Heads of Diplomatic Affairs from four of the neighboring countries.

They were quiet, very quiet, as they saw Arthur
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