Chapter -11 Apologise
"Stop!" said Max (the rich man), hastening his steps and rushing to them to stop Samuel and the security guard from expelling Aiden and Ariana from the company.

Max fixed his eyes on Aiden with a guilty look. Then he glanced at the girl next to Aiden, which made him wish he had come sooner so that such a mess could be avoided.

Aiden let go of the security guard's hand holding Arianna's wrist to drive them away. Catching Max is like a guarantee for him to stay calm.

"Are you okay?" Aiden checked Ariana's condition first.

Ariana gripped his wrist stiffly. Her innocent face showed that she wasn't in a comfortable position after what she had been exposed to earlier.

"I'm fine," Ariana said.

But the girl made up that lie in front of Aiden, even though it didn't feel necessary because Aiden could easily read the look on her face. Aiden smiled; he felt better believing the girl's words without arguing with her.

"Who gave you the order to treat them so harshly?" Max faced the two rough
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