The god of medicine
The god of medicine
Author: Kiara

Chapter 1

In the villa of Wilson family, everyone was nervous because the lord of the family was badly sick. A doctor, sweating a lot, was checking the lord’s situation with all his advanced equipment. But he remained unconscious for hours. 

"Is something wrong?" asked a woman who was standing beside him. She had long hair and wore a light blue dress; she looked like a young lady. It was Lady Wilson. The doctor turned to face her.

 "You look worried."

The doctor smiled awkwardly. "I'm sorry, but I don't think it's good news. He isn't going to get better soon."

Lady Wilson frowned. She didn't know what kind of disease her husband had, so she couldn't be sure whether the doctor was right or not. But even if he wasn't getting better, there must be some way to save him. "Could you please tell me exactly how serious this is?"

The doctor nodded and took out a thick book from under his coat. "It says here that his condition is very bad indeed..."

"What does this mean?"

"His heart has stopped beating."

"So we can expect...?"

"I'm afraid death in less than half an hour."

"Oh dear!" Lady Wilson said. She put her hands over her face as she cried. Then she turned towards someone who stood behind her: a maid who had been serving her since she was in that house.

 "Why is my lord still alive? Is there anything you could do to help him?"

"No, milady," answered the maid. "ask the doctor"

At that moment, the doctor opened his mouth wide to say, "Nothing I do will make any difference now."

"I cannot understand it. The lord has had no illness before this and now he is in such a critical condition. What does he has?" said lady Wilson. 

" I don't know " said the doctor.

Lady Wilson said to the doctor: "Doctor, my husband is so ill that I don't know if we can continue to live here."

"What do you mean by that?" asked the doctor.

"I am afraid that since my husband's illness is getting worse, no one will be able to protect this house from robbers and thieves," she replied in tears.

The doctor shrugged his shoulders and looked at her strangely as if asking what she meant by saying such a thing. He turned around to a young man who was standing next to him, whispering something into his ear. The young man, trembling slightly, said: "This lady seems to have been possessed by some evil spirits. She has lost her mind because of the shock caused by this tragedy."

"What do you mean by that? This is none of your business!" Lady Wilson shouted angrily. Then she continued: "I want you to cure my husband's illness; but I also need someone strong enough and brave to take care of us even after the disease has gone away. If there's not anyone capable of protecting the house, then why should we continue living here?"

Then the doctor sighed and said to her: "If you are going to say that you don't want to stay here alone even without your husband, then you must be crazy. You can become an old woman like me and live alone. And besides you have your children " 

She nodded her head with tears in her eyes.

After looking at her for a while, the doctor said: "If you really feel that way, then I'll send one of my men to protect your house."

At first Lady Wilson did not believe it, but when she saw the doctor's grim face, she knew that he would surely send someone. In reality, she had just wanted to vent her feelings and the doctor understood her. After a short discussion, they decided that the guard would be sent to the house the next day.

A young man knocked the door, no one opened it for him, he was curious and pushed the door open and went in to the lobby. No one’s here, everyone was upstairs, worrying about the situation about the lord...or not really. The only thing the worried about it the heritage. 

The Lord's son Whispered to her sister"When daddy will dies, if he didn't leave a will, I'll take his house and you his other things."

She looked at him with sorrowful eyes as she said "You can't do that!"

He got angry at her saying "What! Don't tell me what I can or cannot do!!"

" I can tell you ,because I'm your Elder" she responded.

He pushed her away from him as he yelled "I don't care who you are! You're not my mother or father, just because you were born first doesn't mean you have authority over me!!"

Her heart was melting seeing how much she loved their father but also, she knew it would be hard for them when they will lost their dad. She saw that and said "If anything happens to our father we'll meet again on the other side of life"

Lady Wilson asked " what happen? Why are you screaming?"

The girl, samira answered "My brother is going to take everything that belongs to dad!"

" All your father's property belongs to me because I am his wife and your mother".

Samira looked surprised "Mommy? What do you say? Instead of worrying about dad's situation, are you already talking about the division of his property? What kind of wife are you?"

Lady Wilson said angrily "I forbid you talk to me like that. You idiot" .

The boy, Aris said" Mom she's too naive".

The eldest son Jules looked at them surprised and said " Lord is sick and you only think about his inheritance? What kind of family are you?"

Samira added "really what kind of family are you? Bunch of greedy"

" Shut your mouth, if not I will beat you" Aris said angry.

" You also shut up ! You are no different from her"lady Wilson said Looking at Aris.

The eldest Jules shouted angrily" shut up!" And let the doctor focus on Dad "

they were all silent.

But then the doctor suddenly noticed a black-haired man wearing a white dress. The boy was in front of the door and had been quietly watching the whole thing. he was looking at the doctor with big eyes.

"Hey! You!" shouted the doctor.

The boy trembled . "Me?"

he seemed surprised. But when he saw who the doctor was talking to, he got even more confused. "Doctor?" he asked. "Are you really Doctor Ezéchiel?"

"Yes, why are you asking me?"

Daniel, the young man crossed the crowed, observed the face of the lord and smelled him.

 Then he said to the doctor: " the lord was not sick, he was poison ."

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