All Chapters of Aegis of the Sun: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 chapters
11. Someone in the Moonlight
Edgar finds a comfortable position, and he won't let himself be swallowed up by the darkness in his room. The sounds of the guild's main chamber, tonight was unheard of. Edgar wouldn't be so quick to think that it was quiet down there, maybe it just wasn't as fun as it used to be.Edgar sits cross-legged on his bed, with his back to the window. With a slightly worn book in one hand, Edgar put the book on his shoulder, then started to roll over a piece of golden brown paper and he began to see some writing in it.In his Guild, Edgar was a well-read guy, too, not just Zhippy. The other city thugs in Red Raven wouldn't be able to do such a simple thing. And most of them don't give a shit about it because they do with different background conditions.Traditionally, those who read and write well in ortania are of only the elite classes. That's why people like in the guild aren't quite able to do what an elite person does.After a while Edgar was busy with the book he had just opened, he re
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12. Eldred Carlton
"Somehow I feel like I'm bouncing into the future a few months from now. There were so many real-life events that they turned out to be nightmares." Obviously Edgar suddenly explained to elfair's men standing in front of him."I am not sure of all that, forgive me for having treated you in the past, but I have no recollection of the past which really happened to me. I just feel like I'm someone else." Edgar said again.Eldred flinch, the man was seen raising one eyebrow. To be honest, he didn't even know what Edgar had just said. He thought the man had been joking.The look on Eldred's confused face made Edgar eager to rush back. He must have expected it to be true that no one else would believe what she had experienced."Never mind, forget it. So," said Edgar, trying to change the subject."What brings you to the land of Hamoursh like this?" Ask Edgar about that Elfair guy. Eldred's existence is indeed alarming, for in light of the continental rules of Magire Kivanal, concerning the
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13. Back to the Border
Early in the morning, before the cock crows were out there, Edgar was already preparing for a trip to the place he had promised last night. This morning, it was colder than last night.The man had yet to open his window, but the outside seemed to be a success in making the room feel as if it were in the open.The oil lamp standing on a table near his bed was still burning to fill the light in the room. He was actually reluctant to get out of bed when everyone was still asleep.Having already said something to that elfair man, Edgar must have kept it before that pointy-eared man felt betrayed, let alone eldred's first purpose last night, not just to listen to the mere snide that came out of Edgar's mouth, but something he had said before.And why would Edgar with a little faith in knowing the man's purpose in the Hamoursh territory, sidelying and avoiding the stare of the human kind in a place like this is perfectly natural and required. Getting caught will lead to new problems.Just a
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14. Before Sunrise
It was almost as far as it felt as it was walking from the guild to the main road, after walking along a path decorated with stones, that Edgar now had finally been on a train pulled by a thinly bearded man, dressed in slightly ragged clothes, and wearing a spilt canopy of pandan, suggesting that it was a driver of Vlatsh.He was relieved that he was now in a carriage pulled by a huge animal in front of him with time well spent. It was fortunate that he saw the train pass by before he actually walked to the intersection.There was an oil lamp burning, lighting up the inside of the train. Edgar pressed his chin with the palm of his right hand as he looked out.He kept his eyes closed as soon as the wind blew this morning onto the soft train of his face. His head feels pretty heavy. Considering he didn't sleep so well last night. For himself so longed for a comfortable place for his body to rest. All who could find themselves dashed because of his foolish thinking with all the images in
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15. Seina Forest
The air in the Seina Woodland is much colder than that in the city. He could even feel a plume of smoke rising from his nose whenever the man took a single blow. Fresh, indeed. But he doesn't want to linger in a place like that.Because it is entirely possible for a multitude of wild animals to nest in this forest, or even more horrid to it, Demons. He was alone, in his leafy foliage growing abundantly in the forest, and with only his Vulcan Drusser.He kept going even in these extreme circumstances, as well as the fog suddenly engulfed the Edgar trail."Shit!" The dark-haired man cursed the scene. "I hope I didn't get lost. I hope this is the right path. He said quietly stopping for a moment while wagging his gaze around him.The road that felt so wet clearly interrupted her pace. He forgot that yesterday it had been raining and that perhaps the forest area of Seina was also one of yesterday's rain. He felt wet on the heels of the pipes as the dew in the nearby shrubs nearly covered
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16. After the Danger
It was moving toward Edgar so fast, Edgar didn't have time to walk away. Fortunately, his right hand reflexively swung his weapon until it successfully wounded the Demon."Hey, you're cheating! Attacking an opponent when the opponent is least vulnerable isa small crime in the red light." Edgar said. And yet it's as if the creature has no idea what he's saying. So there's nothing more his can do than defeat him.Edgar keeps throwing his weight around, fighting when unexpected like this is the most annoying thing he can do. Especially when you have to face a Demon in a place like this.The man kept throwing his fist at the crescious creature, until he had to make this demo before him die.But his rapid movements overwhelmed the dark-haired hamoursh. "Damn it!" He exclaimed when a single claw landed at his waist.The shriek filtered so loudly that Edgar had to shut his ears shut like he was about to burst. "Shut the fuck up!"The man moves forward, avoids the attack of the demon with its
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17. Seiry river flow
The Larnia forest seems to stretch across both east and west. Not far from the man hamoursh's right, there isa large bridge that connects the two nations with permission to cross.For thieves or hunters, they don't need any of that. It only takes great plan and courage to conquer those rules. Edgar is no exception. He had also quietly entered the forbidden area.Edgar crouched on a big rock, and his face faced the water's surface. He could clearly see the reflection above the water even though it was very faint because of the current.Granted, the Seiry river side does not have a strong stream but if anyone is not careful, the risk is not small.Edgar began to tilt his hands up into the water, using them as a drinking bowl.After drinking it, he felt a refreshing sensation as water flowed through his throat until it filled his chest. He felt that his lost energy had returned.Then what hamoursh does next is, she washes her face. The water in the seiry river is so cold as it flows from
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18. Like the Fog
"And -" he broke off, along with a picture in his head showing a terrible crash. When the sky is filled with hot steam red as blood.There were so many faint screams in his head. He felt like he was in the middle of nowhere. His gaze only saw in the direction of what was flying in the sky, so huge, even as he flapped his wings, almost obscured what lay in the sky.Both of Edgar's knees were melted. He could only hear one despair. "Edgar," someone called his name. That Hamoursh guy couldn't turn his head to find the source of the sound, it was hard even to move."Edgar," called the voice again. The man tried to understand everything, but his head was locked and there was only a void inside."Edgar!" Said eldred as he patted the man's shoulders before him it was a bit rude. Yet another look, like hamoursh was deeply shocked and a little frightened."Why are you so lost in thought?" Grabbed Eldred after he had revive the twenty-four year old man who suddenly stirred.Edgar immediately di
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19. Back Guess
The sun is back almost setting in the west, signaling mal is coming. The orange light etched between the sun's slowly fading, slumps as if saying good-bye from the roof of an ortania's buildings standing around Edgar.The guy picked up his pace after almost a day outside the Guild without the knowledge of the Guild.In his heart, he harbored fear and anxiety. He did not dare to return, but more serious problems would arise if that was not possible.Then he would have to muster up the courage not to let it happen. In his head, Edgar formulated words to be a good reason so the people of the Guild didn't ask much. Especially in Dryzell.He's also dying to know how she is doing. The last time Edgar saw the man still lying on a straw bed when he returned to the guild after he went to buy medicine for a big, drooping man."Juildith must be cured. Whatever it takes for the name of Red Raven!" Edgar blurted out his two fists so suddenly.His gaze was still facing straight as he ran between th
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20. Again and again
"I'm not going anywhere, don't worry." Edgar said finally. Liza looked down at Edgar's brownish eyes, just like the hair color of that man. It's as if Liza saw something her friend had been hiding behind the words she had just heard."I told you you were no good at lying, I could see clearly that you were hiding something from us." Says liza still doesn't take her eyes off Edgar.The man is lazy when his companion attempts to pry into his personal affairs."I'm not lying. I just went out into the woods on a hunt, but I'm afraid I've got nothing but a wretched demon." Edgar said for a reason.But Liza did not believe it at all, until Edgar showed me something on his waist.It's the same one he's been getting since this morning. Edgar refused to be treated by eldred just now, and Zhippy preferred to heal the wound.Then Liza believed in it and took her eyes off Edgar. The girl now focuses on a sizable gash in the right side of Edgar.Liza took her face closer to Edgar's waist to see if
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