18. Like the Fog

"And -" he broke off, along with a picture in his head showing a terrible crash. When the sky is filled with hot steam red as blood.

There were so many faint screams in his head. He felt like he was in the middle of nowhere. His gaze only saw in the direction of what was flying in the sky, so huge, even as he flapped his wings, almost obscured what lay in the sky.

Both of Edgar's knees were melted. He could only hear one despair. "Edgar," someone called his name. That Hamoursh guy couldn't turn his head to find the source of the sound, it was hard even to move.

"Edgar," called the voice again. The man tried to understand everything, but his head was locked and there was only a void inside.

"Edgar!" Said eldred as he patted the man's shoulders before him it was a bit rude. Yet another look, like hamoursh was deeply shocked and a little frightened.

"Why are you so lost in thought?" Grabbed Eldred after he had revive the twenty-four year old man who suddenly stirred.

Edgar immediately di
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