19. Back Guess

The sun is back almost setting in the west, signaling mal is coming. The orange light etched between the sun's slowly fading, slumps as if saying good-bye from the roof of an ortania's buildings standing around Edgar.

The guy picked up his pace after almost a day outside the Guild without the knowledge of the Guild.

In his heart, he harbored fear and anxiety. He did not dare to return, but more serious problems would arise if that was not possible.

Then he would have to muster up the courage not to let it happen. In his head, Edgar formulated words to be a good reason so the people of the Guild didn't ask much. Especially in Dryzell.

He's also dying to know how she is doing. The last time Edgar saw the man still lying on a straw bed when he returned to the guild after he went to buy medicine for a big, drooping man.

"Juildith must be cured. Whatever it takes for the name of Red Raven!" Edgar blurted out his two fists so suddenly.

His gaze was still facing straight as he ran between th
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