Awards night 2- Narrow escape

Martinez was fixed at a point. This wasn’t his first, neither would it be his last time in a dangerous position.

A hand clapped in the dark, footsteps were heard and the lights were turned on. “Denola Marion!” Martinez exclaimed, on seeing him. “Why did you have to scare me?” Martinez played on the safe side.

“Answer the question” “What deal did you make with the police?” Denola asked him.

“You must be joking! I have nothing to do with what happened” “You know me too well. I wouldn’t involve myself in anything that would damage my image”

Martinez replied with the utmost composure even though he was not composed and full of anxiety.

Denola took out a gun, Cocked it and aimed at Martinez. “Sir Riccardo, I will ask you the last time. What deal did you make with the police?” Denola placed the gun on Martinez’s head, smearing it all over his face.

“Watch this!” He gave a phone to Martinez. Martinez’s heart rate had increased drastically,

“This is a mere coincidence. I never knew you
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