
Grey: “Once, I interviewed him as an entertainment reporter, and then coincidently we kept meeting on several occasions, and one day we became informal to each other and became friends.”

Dylan: “I have a very small friendship circle and now, he is part of that circle.”

They finished dinner and walked on the beach. Priscilla was shivering with the cold weather, and Grey and Dylan noticed that. Grey tried to take off his coat but shortly Dylan draped his coat over her shoulders.

Priscilla: “Thank you.”

Dylan: “No problem.”

Priscilla: “It’s getting late; I think we should head back.”

Grey: “You are right, let me drop you.”

Dylan: “Grey, your home is situated on the opposite side, let me take her back.”

Priscilla: “Dylan is right, otherwise you already did too much for today.”

Grey: “Come on.”

Priscilla: “Thank you.”

Grey: “Okay, call me when you get home.”

Dylan: “She is not going with me for the first time, I am not a stranger to her.”

Grey: “Okay, bye.”

Dylan left with Priscilla, Noah
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