Unrealistic confession

Dylan: “Don’t laugh, I am serious.”

Sasha: “I told her to put on some makeup and dress formally.”

Kate: “You look hot.”

Priscilla: “We are getting late. Sasha and Kate may go. I am coming with Dylan.”

Sasha: “But why?”

Dylan: “Don’t you want me to go with Prissy?”

Sasha: “No, I didn’t mean it.”

Priscilla: “I called Dylan, last night. I asked him to go with me.”

Sasha: “Don’t you have a shoot, today?”

Dylan: “No, I am free today.”

Priscilla looked at her wristwatch and muttered, “Let’s go, we are getting late.”

Dylan: “Okay.”

Sasha and Kate looked at each other and went out of the resort with Priscilla and Dylan.

Priscilla set in the car with Dylan.

Priscilla: "See you both at the Shooting location."

Sasha: "It's not in the company, I am sending the location to Dylan."

Dylan: "Okay."

Sasha sent the location to Dylan, he started driving the car. Priscilla disconnected the exact location and said, "Let's head over to the graveyard."

Dylan stop the car and inquired, "Why?"

Priscilla: "I w
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