Chapter 23: #10 our memories

A safe place in a world full of monsters. Harry had one good night's sleep, he slept for hours, when he woke up there was a hot bath ready for him. He felt like he was in a dream, safe and sound protected by thousands of guards, when he stepped out of the room, his face lit up with happiness but that will soon change. Harry looked around and saw two guards walking up to him. They said nothing, they just grabbed him by the arms and escorted him to a big door. Harry didn't know what was on the other side of this door, his heart was beating like a race horse and his palms were sweating. The guards opened up the door and there the king was, sitting on a golden throne with a big crown on his head.

Harry didn't know what was about to happen. Two guards made an announcement of Harry's presence to the king and then told Harry that he may approach the king. Harry walked up and kneeled to the king and then Harry heard the king speaking. He told him all about the history of the kingdom. Told him
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