Chapter 40: Towards the Interrogation Process

"System, add 5 points to strength and 4 points to agility," Lein said when he saw four tall and large teenage boys running towards him with hateful faces.

They were clearly different from Olsen and his friends, who by then were barely in a state of readiness to fight. Neither one of them thought Lein would fight back.

However, this time was different. They know his strength, and they will be more vigilant. Hence, Lein would not hesitate to spend all his points on this.

The next half second, Lein felt his strength increase. But, he didn't have time to sink into it.

The moment that happened, one punch was already headed towards his face fast enough! However, according to Lein's vision, the movement was slow, like slow motion. That made Lein laugh inside his mind.

"System is the greatest! With only the system, even a pig can become a pig god!"

The next half second, Lein tilted his head slightly, and immediately countered with a heavy punch to boy face at the same time.

The boy fell and
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