Book Two: Chapter Twenty Four

"And when I kill all of you one by one, I wouldn't stop until I kill every last one of you," Hannah said through the phone connection and cut the call.

"Shit!" Viola blurted out first before the rest joined. It was obvious that everyone was agitated about the whole thing and wasn't happy with whatever was going on at all.

"I think we all need to avoid letting our emotions get the best of us because it's definitely what she wants, we need to be calm with our plans," Benson advised especially when he saw Viola's reaction after the phone call.

He knew that she was disappointed because somehow she was still fighting for Hannah's redemption, which was currently at the moment impossible to achieve at the time being.

"Yes that's true," Trish who was sitting close to Benson said completely understanding all that she meant.

"She wasn't like this, not at all," Viola SS under her breath and it was obvious that the rest of the team could hear her.

"Who wasn't like th
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