
" Stick to the plan.Never worry, we slowly getting there. Regerry actions only leave us to fight. We can not tolerate such kind of behavior to continue. He doesn't deserve to be in his position. We must end this battle as soon as possible." Regerry actions toward Gen. Amiel troops give powerful motivation to Visionaries to fight .He keeps reminding us the reason what we fighting them.

Mr. Mechanic was sitting in the chair. With his close , I can sense his hate toward Atheos.."How pitiful his follower ..."

"We end this meeting.Everyone can back to their working station, now." One by one they leave the conference room. I can sense their reborn enthusiasm to fight the Atheos.

My footsteps echoing in the lobby. Dean followed me. Together we are walking toward to the direction of Mr. Scarfacw's room.

Dean broke the silence between us." Did you think Mr. Scar face accepts your decision that easily?"

"That's is the min reason , That why I want to talk to him. There something that I need
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