Chapter 176

During this time, Lucian and Ledia were continually charting while also having a leisurely stroll down the corridor. Because their talk was moving at a slower pace than usual, the two of them had been standing in the corridor for quite some time.

They were, however, able to successfully avoid the tersold, which was positioned in the opposite part of the corridor. As the two of them were going to move further into the canal, Lucian drew Ledia behind him and fixed his serious gaze on the area ahead of them.

Ledia couldn't stop the query "What's the matter?" She saw how solemn he appeared. Despite this, rather than reacting to her, Lucian used his finger to draw a line across the top of his lip, implying that she should be silent. He chose to do this rather than answer her question since he didn't want to intimidate the opponent. He then gently removed the ice sword from the storage device he had been using up until that point.

Gaius, who was serving as commander in the center of the Dar
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