Chapter 50

Bremo glanced at him, "Commander Richard, what do you say?" He left the stage for him.

Richard took the microphone.

"Marshal Michael and Marshal Stanley i am touched by your willingness to help me solve my task, it is just that my soldiers have followed him for ten years so i still want them to have better jobs"

"Commander Richard, you are so ambitious, do you want all your soldiers to be commanders?" Michael asked.

Richard sighed they are putting him in a tight spot again.

"Commander Richard, since you refuse to accept their help and are unwilling to give them a plan, will you keep stalling?" Bremo asked.

"I won't supervisor Bremo, I'll do what I promised" Richard replied.

Michael glanced at a man beside him and gave him a hint with his face.

The man nodded in understanding.

"Commander Richard, among all the defense commanders in Los Angeles you are the first who leads an army of your own. To be honest, if an army doesn't have a designation and only obey your order stays in Los Angel
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