Chapter 217

A dark-skinned middle-aged man wearing white shorts and a shaggy hairstyle stared coldly at Venn and Sterling.

Outside the room, people can see that there is a master at the place where the yellow jewel is located.

Everyone started whispering: "Why is that, why are there other people in the secret room?"

"Mr. Jesse, what are you going to do?" Someone couldn't help but voice their displeasure with Jesse sitting on the high chair.

Jesse heard the buzzing of people under the radio and only coldly said:

"This is my territory, what if I send another soldier there?"

After he finished saying this, he added, "If anyone doesn't agree, come out."

Jesse's voice dropped and everyone present fell silent.

Just kidding, who doesn't know what kind of person Jesse is?

Once Jesse is angry, no one here can bear that rage, even the person who provoked the anger could die in this place.

They are all big men in their respective areas, of course, they don't want to die on their own, they have to live in o
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