Pack Meeting

The bunker is a square, steel structure with a sizable interior. Security cameras, first aid kits, and other emergency supplies are all over the room. Dave and the others were waiting for Isabella to come while seated on the metallic floor.

The chamber echoed with the sound of a steel elevator.

Isabella could be seen inside the elevator when it opened, serving as the underground bunker's entrance.

She noticed that the children were looking at her.

She felt a bit nervous because the group of kids in front of her aren't your average, normal kids; they are all supernatural creatures.

"Calm down, Isabella; you are also one of them," she murmured internally.

Who on earth will believe that this bunch of kids are all werewolves, one of the strongest creatures in the supernatural rankings, and a great threat to mankind?

She kept a calm-looking gaze and stepped out of the elevator.

"Miss Isabella, welcome," Dave gave her a warm greeting, the guys smiled at her, and MJ's facial expression was
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