Chapter 46:

The young man dressed in black would go down once ready and then stop at the extravagant stairs with luxurious decorations, he watched the agents in silence, he would see that Paris was lying down looking at his cell phone while Draven looked at the newspaper with his hot black coffee in hand. The enigmatic boy would go downstairs and take the cell phone to the reception, both adults would turn to see Murder with curiosity.

"That's right, send him to the VIP penhouse." — Murder would hang up and then turn around when he felt some looks above him. —As I see that you are busy, I gave myself the freedom to ask you for something to eat for breakfast. —

- Won't you join us? Paris asked surprised.

—I have things to do, you as agents have fulfilled your objectives. On the other hand, I have to find out what else I can find, if there is something that connects with what we already have, we can move more freely on the board, in my opinion I would advise that the research sector such as prev
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