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By: Puneet Som Mathur CompletedFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 2.4K

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This is part of a Modern-day fantasy based on The Legend of Master Scrolls created by 7 powerful masters from around the Universe. Two young adults Phil and Kel set out their journey into the discovery of the Master Scrolls which will reveal to them the mystic powers to fight the Dark Forces. The 7 Ascended Masters guide them into various portals which allow Phil and Kel to understand the powers that will help them become strong in their fight to dominate the Zodiac Star event which is going to occur after nearly 5000 years. They must go through the most gruesome lands with portals to the other world and use their powers to bring all the 7 Master scrolls together to fulfill the Prophecy of the Zodiac Start event. The evil is equally strong and powerful and has the ability to go into any portals that are left unprotected. The evil has monsters ghouls and spirits that force anyone to surrender to them in no time. Will Phil and Kel be able to beat these forces of evil? Will they be able to get the Master Scrolls from the 7 world kingdoms? Will they fulfill the Zodiac Star event prophecy? Read this 10 part series as the adventure unfolds.

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  • Rich Gems International


    wonderful fantasy

    2023-05-20 23:54:13
  • Puneet Som Mathur


    best one thriller

    2021-10-10 13:27:28
Latest Chapter
9 chapters
This year in Bombay. Phil wakes up to a bright sunny day in October looking out of his window he realizes he had promised to meet the love of his life Kel in a few minutes from now. He remembered this was the last day of his 5-year journey at the Institute, He and Kel were studying at the prestigious Bombay Institute of foundational research in Bombay after getting selected for the integrated all expenses paid course through his countries cultural exchange program.Their love, at first sight, happened during the institute’s orientation program on the first day of joining. Little did they realize the thrilling adventure that their bond would create in the coming years?As Phil wondered how time flies and they had just met on that day for the first time. She was looking so pretty and he was sitting just beside her. Their looks crossed each other and they were love-struck. After the orientation, the day came when each student had to report to their allotted area of
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There was a buzz on the campus the next day about a yoga meditation group visiting for free classes on stress management. Kel had heard about it from one of her professors Ms. Richu Gurunathan who had been doing this meditation for a long time now. So she called up Phil to ask him to meet her so that she could explain that they were going to join the classes.Phil thought that this was not something that interested him but since she was so enthusiastic about it he thought let me tag along. They joined the class and found it to be refreshing. Both of them felt that they had been renewed and had a warm fuzzy feeling after the practice taught in the class. The instructor had said they could continue to do the practice if they found it to be helpful to them. They decided they would make it a part of their everyday routine. It had been 3 months now they had been practicing this is an esoteric form of meditation and it had helped relieve their stress from the environment.Li
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Kel was excited about going to Rishikesh. She had spent numerous years of her childhood days in Rishikesh since it was so close to her home. Her Dad would take them there on holidays and they would attend the Holy Ganga Arti in the evening which was a spectacle to behold as the night approached by the riverside. She had found much inner peace and happiness just by sitting beside the holy River Ganga and watch her flow by. She had always yearned to get an opportunity to go there again whenever she got the opportunity. Besides, it had been a full year since her academic session started and she had not met her family.She would get to meet her parents and her little sister Rosy. But this time there was a different purpose to make them meet the love of her life, Phil. Yes, she had told Rosy about Phil but her parents did not know. So she would need to inform them beforehand of her plans. She picked up the phone and dialed her Mother’s number. Her mother picked up the phone
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The raft took just 20 minutes to reach the waterfall. The water is falling from a height of 1200 feet said the guide as they watched the water flow down the rocks with a great force. The water was falling down in the river in few streams and the mainstream was creating ripples in the river. they had reached very near to the waterfall and the guide said we cannot go nearer. Phil looked at the waterfall and the rocks above where the stream was starting to flow down he could not see any cave or even a hint of a cave around here. He felt sad as he looked at Kel who was sitting beside him. the guide asked shall we go back now. Phil was silent and did not say anything.THE ACCIDENT Phil prayed by closing his eyes and said inside O great sage I do not know who you are but if you are nearby please reveal yourself to me.He intently closed his eyes and all of a sudden before he could open them he felt a heavy thump and he was inside the water and gasping for brea
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Phil and Kel looked at the new opening and saw a deep tunnel that was going somewhere inside. They could make out in the dim light which was falling from the sage’s heart that it was rocky on both sides and they would have to bend slightly to go through it. The floor of the tunnel was flat but was a bit rough for them to traverse barefoot. The sage asked them unexpectedly to take off the shoes that they were wearing to go into the tunnel. It is a holy place where Gods live nearby so you cannot take them with you. He produced a pair of wooden sandals by waving his Yogdanda towards the floor. The wooden sandals did not have any straps but fit both of the perfect as they removed their shoes and slipped into them.The sage led the way and asked them to follow him and not to touch anything on the way. You have to be quiet and not talk as there are a lot of Siddha disciples in there who will not like to be disturbed. They nodded to the sage in agreement and followed him.
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The group from the school was now sailing through the air towards the kingdom. Kel and Phil saw various disciples also going ahead of them. all of them had the mystical powers to fly in the air. soon they along with itida and itidi joined them as day soared  over the lovely blue mountains and valleys which were a delight to watch. after falling for a long time the group started to turn left from a mountain peak which was shaped like the head of a bird. Phil thought this should be the landmark for them to make the turn. they as a group continued flying straight. their large birds were telling them quite magnanimously as they slept their wings to move them forward. the birds were very strong creatures indeed unviable to fly long distances in this magical land.Occasionally one of the birds would make a sharp screeching sound and would look in either direction in an attempt 2 alert any creatures flying around. Kel thought this was their way to make a horn in the air.Read more
Kel and Phil had been in this world for only half a day and were lost in its magic. On planet earth 3 days had already elapsed. The resort people in Rishikesh where they had checked in had sent rescue teams and were giving up in the hope of finding them. The word was getting out that a student couple from Bombay had probably drowned in a river rafting accident. The resort authorities were finding it difficult to answer media’s questions. They contacted the administration of BIFR the institute from where Kel and Phil had come and had given its address while checking in at the resort. They had also found their student identification cards in their baggage which the resort authorities had searched to get any clue of whom they were.The media followed the news till the 3rd day and the resort authorities expressed their inability to find the bodies of the couple. They were going to declare them dead at the end of today’s search if they did not have any succe
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Four days had passed and Kel’s family had not heard anything from the resort people nor were they able to make any contact with Kel over phone. Her mother and sister were crying incessantly as the rescue team from the resort had reported to the media that the couple was probably dead. Kel’s sister could not believe this and was repeating continuously that my sister is not dead I don’t believe it something tells me she is alive and will come back to us. Her parents consoled her but could not negate her as she was very emotionally attached to Kel. Back to the cave The sage brought Kel and Phil back to the black rock tunnel opening in his divine aircraft. They entered the tunnel bidding farewell to the wonderland mystical and magical as it was they were now going to go into their real world the planet earth. The sage helped them retrace their path through the dark tunnels as he was once again shining from the middle of his heart to show the light. They
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As our couple finally come back to planet earth and move into their hostels in Bombay, they realize the big day for them was approaching. Yes it was the degree convention ceremony for the Institute in which they would both graduate in the final year. It was a big day for both of them for which they had studied so hard all these years at an International institution like BIFR. Their classmates were also excited and had formed teams to make arrangements for the convention. Usually the previous batch Juniors did most of the arrangements for the seniors as this was a convention at this institute. However the current batch students would also be included in the teams to make sure there was fair participation by the batch for whom the celebrations were being done. Kel was part of the student committee overseeing Guest arrangements at the Institute. She had become busy communicating with the guests ensuring the dignitaries arrived on the final day of the event. She had got the list
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