"You'll never believe what we found," Justin told Cameron and Carly when they met up.

"What did you find?" Carly purposely dodged questions about them, which Cameron appreciated. He wasn't ready to talk just yet.

"Come on. We can't talk here," he instructed. "Follow me." He led them a ways down the hallway to another stone room that, at first glance, contained no cameras, but they weren't stupid enough to take that as the truth. The room was empty. It had no place to sit or conceal themselves from any potential cameras. The floor was hard and cold, but Justin sat on it to spread out the files he found.

"This isn't about Project Invidia," Cameron inspected.

"I know, but they're about Keegan Enterprises," Justin defended. "I didn't think we'd have enough time to look solely for Invidia, so I just went into the history of this company. It's apparently much older than originally thought."

"How old?" Carly asked.

"A hundred and thirty years," Mad

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