Clash of intentions

Master Zoltar emerged from one of the doors with a commanding presence, causing the assemblage to fall into a hushed silence without uttering a single word. His piercing gaze scanned the room, eliciting palpable anxiety among some of the familiar faces in the crowd, including Sophia, Lance, Frost, and Samantha. The latter appeared composed, seated between an opulently dressed couple of dark-haired individuals with brown skin, elegantly attired in cream-colored attire.

"Aspirants of the year," Master Zoltar addressed the crowd, "I extend my gratitude for your attendance and tireless efforts during the Trial. The Memora extends its appreciation to the families who have supported and waited for the outcome." He paused, surveying the bleachers. "Nine mages are present and authorized to select up to six applicants each, who will serve as their apprentices for the duration of their five-year tenure at the Memora. This decision should not be taken lightly, as there will be more applicants th
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