How funny can destiny be

He woke up with a grimace. Eyeing his surrounds, he quickly calmed himself. The dream, if he could call it that, was so real that gave him chills, yet it couldn’t be anything more than that…

At least, that was what he kept repeating to himself. For someone like him, who vowed to never be powerless again, having someone who could so easily enter his mind was terrifying. Even more so if he could control his dreams like that…

“No… a dream! That’s all it is!” He stood up, his body aching and his legs trembling. Idly, he wondered if he was as tired as he seemed. Running a hand through his hair, he tested his feet, a grim smile plastering itself on his face. This will take it’s toll… specially on my plans for the next few days…

As infuriating as it was, he had to meet his mother again. Not only he craved to see her face when she figures how her entire lineage was on his hands, he also had to discuss how they now served him.

It was only normal, after all.

No matter what his dreams said about
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