Books Wanted by Meganovel

Hi, our fellow writers, as you all know by now, MegaNovel expects novels within the genre of System, Urban, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Adventure, Games, Paranormal, Mystery/Thriller/Horror, etc. Usually, novels with a MC who experiences a major character growth throughout the story and including elements like leveling up, weak-to-strong, face-slapping will be the most popular ones on our platform.

For male genre novels, the leading character usually is a man. It’s easier for the readers to empathize with a MC who is of a same gender. The most important note to remember is the MC must focus more on empowering himself instead of only care about being involved in any romantic relationship (unless he does it for face-slapping or he cares about improving himself equally). Tone down the romantic side of the story, the novel must not be all about falling in love.

Here are some examples for novels we do or do not expect:

1. A male MC who suddenly gained a system then started to leveling up. √

    A male MC who suddenly gained a system then formed a harem/started to hit on many women√

    A female MC who suddenly gained a system then formed a harem/started to hit on many men. ×

2. A male MC who fought with an alien army. √

    A female MC who fell in love with an alien. ×

3. A male MC who has some romance side storylines with one or serval women, but this doesn’t bother him too much. √

   A male MC who focused more on being in a relationship with one woman than gaining more power or a higher status for himself. ×

4. A vampire/werewolf background male MC. √

    A vampire/werewolf romance background male MC. ×

5. A son-in-law MC who suddenly gained a huge amount of money then started his revenge on the people who used to despite him. √

   A son-in-law MC who suddenly gained a huge amount of money then started to work on his relationship with his wife while doing nothing to the people who used to despite him. ×

   A poor and weak son-in-law MC who work really hard to gain some savings. (Better not)

6. A male MC who discovered the way of time traveling and began an adventure. √

    A male MC who discovered the way of time traveling and fell in love with a princess from another time. But he didn’t care to much about it and continued his adventure. √

7. A male MC who is a writer, bought a house he knew that is haunted. He just wanted some inspiration to write more exciting stories. √

A male MC who is a writer, bought a house he knew that is haunted then fell in love with the ghost. ×

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