Chapter 28 Facing the death...

I jerked looking at that demon lunging at me but soon I remembered, that I have a gun in my hand, no matter If he is gripped or not, it was still possible to kill him as long as I shot at the correct target.

I shot it instantly without even aiming, but that bullet hit him and he fell dead, that was so close, I was fully prepared to face my death,

I collected the point and shoved my hand beneath the water level where it was resting all this time to get the green gem but there were two gems in there, it was like a boon to me, I collected them both and rushed back to the land area, but this time I disturbed all those reptiles resting.

They started moving toward me in their uniform motion, I jolted back and announced to the system,

"System I completed the task" but I heard a buzzer sound coming from my indicator, I looked at it, one of my lifelines was red and was blinking, I was bitten by that demon, but I didn't even notice that when.

When did that happen?

As I looked at the place wh
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