Angelina was doing much better, she can eat and chew food all on her own, but she is yet to be able to speak a word. It's like she forgot how to communicate.

She sat up in the hospital bed looking at the door expectantly, one could see she was eagerly waiting for someone.

The door opened and Jacqueline her doctor walked in but that wasn't who she was waiting for.

"Hm, it seems someone is not happy to see me." Jacqueline said smiling as she walks closer to check on her.


After examining her, it turns out everything was great. So she said,

"Hi dear, your temperature is good your color is definitely glowing, sooner than very soon, you will be able to walk out of here freely."

Angelina shook her head signifying, she doesn't want to go or leave the hospital.

"Okay, why sweetie? You are supposed to get discharged from a hospital when you are fine." Jacqueline said trying to understand why she wouldn't want to leave.

Angelina didn't say a word, she just sat there with fingers crossed, s
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