Adamson almost caught the person hidden behind the wall but quickly ran away so he was not caught.

Julie sat down on the bench panting, she put the paper bag filled with fruit to the side and she was very nervous when she was almost caught by Adamson.

"Did I hear it right?" She can't believe what she discovered that Oliver is the son of a rich CEO and his rival Carter is his brother.

Julie was also surprised when she heard her friend's name mentioned, "All this time, he's the son of a rich man? My suspicions were right, but why would someone want to kill her? And who is it? Why is Merideth involved?"

"Lower your voice, someone will hear you." She almost jumped in surprise because of Adamson who was standing behind her, "Keep it a secret or else Oliver will be damned if other people find out." Julie stand up while Adamson sat down on the bench, "I'm sorry if I heard your conversation with that person Adamson, I was surprised to know everything about him but why his father couldn't prot
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