154. Let me handle

“And why exactly do you think I can’t handle it?” I ask him, feeling my own anger surface. “I’ve handled everything that’s thrown my way until now, why would this be different?”

Gerald looks like he’s gearing up for a fight, “well, for one, you’re rushing into this with no plan in place.”

“I do have a plan! It’s just flexible enough to be adapted to the way the situation demands it,” I reply, trying not to give in to the sudden urge to shout. I feel extremely volatile like I’m a time bomb one tick away from being blown up.

And maybe on a subconscious level, I know the reason for this.

I will be the first to admit that I didn’t get enough sleep last night, and I am still very affected by the incident last night. I had a gun shoved at my face, and if Aaron Collins had not intervened, I would’ve…well, I would’ve died.

And then there would be no Coraline, no Astra Development or boys named Lemon, no Zelt Tech or no Gerald, no trying to struggle a demanding job all while going to college,
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