Chapter 10


The Surprise

Ricardo cleared his throat looking confused.

"I'm sorry ma'am..."

"Miss Daniels," Elena said, putting forth her hand for a handshake.

Ricardo looked from her to Caleb not knowing what to do. But Caleb simply smiled and said it was okay. He understood that to mean he could shake hands with her.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Miss Daniels," he replied and briefly shook her hand.

The two security guards were still standing there, with puzzled looks on their faces. They've never heard Ricardo being addressed as the CEO. If anything, he had always been seen driving the boss.

The slim guy spoke first.

"Welcome, sir. We were waiting for the boss to arrive because there's been a problem."

Ricardo turned to face them. "What problem?"

The slim guy pointed at the side of Elena's car.

"Our new employee here bashed Miss Daniel's car and then spoke rudely to her."

The other guard rolled his eyes. He knew his colleague was lying but was helpless as he couldn't just inte
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