Chapter 104: Guilt Tripping Theodore

"Hey," someone shouted across the room.

Luke stopped in the middle of his conversation with 'Kayla' to see who was calling for him even though he already had a decent idea of who it was. Theodore was making his way towards them with obvious intent in every step he took. He probably intended to finish their conversation from earlier. However, the dark expression on his face indicated that he was not in the mood to deal with Luke.

Whatever went down between Theodore and the princess had soured his mood. Well, it wouldn't be that hard. The two of them despised each other, and the only reason they were meeting at all was because the princess had to keep her image. It would be bad if she refused to meet the first place winner but met someone who wasn't in the top five. That was fine with him. Maybe he could discover what they have been talking about and see if he could use that information fo

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