The Battle is about to begin

“Wow! This one, Zdk. Try this, it looks like the color blue suits you.” We are currently shopping for hats on the sidewalk. As we were choosing hats there we were suddenly distracted by a woman’s voice as she called out to Demon.

“Demon! My darling!” She shouted as she now ran towards Demon. I looked at Demon, and he suddenly turned his back on her while covering his face with one hand.

“Who is she?” I asked Lily.

“Ahh… she? Her username is Apple. She was Demon's die heart fan and his ultimate stalker.” She replied, so I nodded my head.

That's why she was like that and why Demon avoided her. But why does he dislike Apple? She is beautiful, and her hero outfit is just suited for her, like a little red riding hood.

“Wait a minute, who is this cute guy? Is he your new friend?” She said as she stopped in front of me and brought her face close to mine. “Hi, I'm Apple. How about you, what's your username?” She added as she held out one hand to me and had a cute smile on her lips. I was stunned and stiffened like a rock because of her beauty. I thought she was good to look at from a distance, but she looked better up close.

“I-I'm …” I was about to introduce myself to her and hold her hand when she suddenly left and approached Demon.

“Demon, my darling. I've been calling you before, can't you hear me? Don't you know how happy I am now to see you? Didn't you miss me? Because I missed you so much.” She said while Demon was looking in the other direction and standing tall.

“Yes, I don't miss you.” He just responded, so Apple was even sadder but this time she brought her face even closer to him.

“Poor, Demon. She's the reason why Demon doesn't want to go to public places like this. Because he would rather not see that silly girl.” Lily whispered as she shook her head steadily. I smiled as I watched them both. If you look closely, they are perfect for each other and because Demon is always serious he needs someone to make him happy and that is none other than Apple.

While everyone was busy shopping for hats, I suddenly turned my attention in another direction where I saw a woman with a familiar face while she was wearing a medieval black cloak.

“Celine?” He was immediately the first person I thought of, so I followed her as she looked around and walked somewhere.

Is she Celine? But she can't be stuck here. Could it be that I was just mistaken about what I saw earlier? Was it just an illusion, or was I just imagining that she was the one I saw? I wondered my mind as I still secretly followed her.

Despite following her, I noticed she suddenly stopped. So, before she turned to me, I immediately hid when a vendor passed by and was driving a cart full of apples. I peeked at her again, but I was shocked when she suddenly disappeared.

Where is she now? Where did she go?

In the blink of an eye, she suddenly disappeared from my sight. So, I tried to find her, when suddenly someone strangled me with a chain-like weapon.

“Who are you? Why are you following me? Who ordered you to kill me?” She whispered from behind me as I tried to pull the object that was choking my neck until I pushed her hard so that she could release me and I wondered who she was. With the force of my pushing her, she was about to collide with a vendor with a cart being pushed, but I immediately stopped her and grabbed her by the waist. But instead of being grateful, she suddenly pulled me into my collar and then pushed me hard so that I hit the cart and fell hard to the ground.

Because of that, we caught the attention of some people around us who seem like watching a show. I didn't get up right away because the force of my fall earlier made me feel like I had broken a bone from my back.

“Tell me the truth, or will I kill you? Who ordered you to follow me?” She said at the same time she put her shoes on my chest, so I could not stand, and I was still lying on the ground.

“What are you saying there? I'm not following you and I have no intention of killing you.” I replied to her, but she still did not believe it, so she pulled out a sword in her hand and pointed it at my neck. My eyes widened in shock and I swallowed deeply when I saw her long sword.

“Tell me, who among them ordered you to follow me?” She asked me again, but regardless of what I said to her, she still tried to convince herself that I was planning something bad for her.

“What answer do you want to hear from me? It looks like even if I tell you the truth, you still won't believe me, will you? So, what are you waiting for? Just kill me.” I told her, then she took off her hood, and I was stunned when I saw her face.

“Celine?” The name that I uttered immediately in my mouth. One of her eyebrows rose, and she put even more pressure on my chest.

“If that's what you want, then I'll give it to you.” She raised her sword at once. I closed my eyes when I noticed that she was about to drop her sword on my neck, but suddenly, I heard the collision of two swords, so I slowly opened my eyes again.

Demon? I could hardly believe it when I saw him in front of me as he wielded Celine’s sword with his red sword.

“Winter, what are you doing, and why are you here?” Demon asked her. In the tone of Demon's conversation with her, it was as if they knew each other very well and even Celine's stares at him that spoke that they had an in-depth bond between the two.

“Demon, don't interfere with this. Just go away and pretend you haven't seen anything like you often do.” She responded to him bravely.

Wait, what is going on with the two of them? And why do I feel they had a deep relationship?

“You're mistaken because the man you're stepping on right now is my pupil.” He responded, and I was even more surprised when he told her that I was his pupil. So instead of being scared, I suddenly smiled broadly and cried because he finally considered me his student.

Celine slowly removed her foot that was resting on my chest once Lily approached me, and she helped me stand up and get away from these two.

“You've changed, Demon. You're no longer the former Demon I knew that cold-hearted and indifferent to his surroundings. What pushed you to be like this? After all, I don't even know you very well yet.” Celine smirked at him, but in this world, her name is different and her personality. She is Winter. A mysterious woman far away from Celine that I once knew and loved in the real world. They are similar, but they have different habits. I don't like her hero version because she looks like more than hot temper than Demon.

“Everyone has the right to change, and I don't need your permission to do what I want.” All he said to her was once, he turned away.

“The next time we cross paths, I'll make sure I kill you, remember that,” Winter added that Sexy would have approached her, but she was immediately stopped by Alpha in her arm while they were looking sharply at Winter.

“Just do what you want.” Demon said and he walked away from her. We were about to leave when Demon suddenly stopped walking when he met the group, No Mercy. Everyone around us was shocked when the group that everyone feared appeared in front of us. Even I can't believe what I see now even if they don't tell me who they are, just by their looks and posture I can feel who they are.

“Look who it is in front of me now. Long time no see, Demon.” Said the man wearing a furry bear jacket as he held a large and sharp battle-ax. Because of that, I was swallowed deep in intense nervousness and I whispered in Lily's ear. “W-who is he?” I stuttered curiously at her as I pointed to the man in the middle.

“He's King, the standing leader of their group.” She responded, and the fear and anxiety I feel now can be seen on her face as well.

If so, he is the one who expelled Demon from their group and is the recognized fierce hero in the world of Rush Hour.

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