Episode 60

Chapter 60

What are we still doing here?" Leah yelled into Shawn's ears as he stood looking like he was not even present anymore.

"Hey. . .! Why did you do that? Why did you have to scream into my ear like that?" Shawn said angrily as he stared down at Leah.

"I have been saying this for the last 5 minutes and you still acted like you didn't hear me, and do not fucking lie you didn't hear me," Leah said to him.

"What did you say. . .? I honestly didn't hear a thing you said. . ." Shawn asked like he knew nothing of such.

"I have been calling you, asshole. . . We need to leave here, I mean what are we doing here?" Leah asked Shawn.

Shawn couldn't say a word, it seemed like it was the same question he had been asking himself but the answers were not coming.

"Okay! Let's not go into that heat and argument, let's just leave right now," Shawn said to Leah.

"By the way, where did Mike go to. . .?" Shawn asked as tried turning his neck to spot Mike.

"Look over, he is just there! He's right ov
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