Chapter 21: Tears

There are items that come with accompaniments. These items are called Itemsets.

Item sets have their own unique trait. As long as the items are equipped by the user, he/she will receive a special effect that solely the item set has.

But if only one of the item is equipped, the special effect will not activate.

From Jin's past memories, he had known many hunters equipped with item sets and those hunters had their growth increase rapidly.



Monk's Attire 

Rank: AA

Type: Item Set

Special Effect: Monk's Rage: every time the wearer lands a successive hit, his/her body will be imbued in rage aura. The rage aura will increase if the wearer continues to land successive hits without misses.

After the rage aura is fully maxed, the next attack will deal a fatal strike.

The rage aura will disappear once the wearer misses an attack, an attack is

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