Nathan only had one thing to do, and that was a man of his own. He had to depend on his capabilities and build his empire. Working for Laura would only label him as a weak husband.

Laura was powerful, she had her empire. If he continued following her around. People would always disrespect him.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Laura asked, feeling concerned. She woke up early to help Nathan get ready. After a week of thinking about the offer, Bernardo gave him. Nathan finally agreed. It was morning, and he was getting ready to go to the Harrison company.

“I don't think so… I'm okay,” Nathan said as he chose the wristwatch he would wear. Like Laura suggested, he went for a slim-fit navy-blue suit. Some Oxford shoes and he was good to go.

“You can take Robert… I don't need him for now,” Laura said while helping him with his necktie. Nathan smiled and felt relaxed knowing Laura was supporting him. Despite everything, the woman turned out to be a good wife.

“Sweetheart, that's so gener
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