Man Of Straw
"I couldn't believe my eyes at first, but fortunately, it wasn't a dream.

I ate, and I took home for Granny.

The following day, I met him where he had told me I could find him when we discussed.

He looked at me and said, 'Don't you have better clothing?

What is this you're wearing?'

'I don't,' I replied.

'You should get some,' he told me.

'Did you not like new and neat clothing that will make you look smart?'

'I... I do, I do. Thanks. Thank you!'

I responded gratefully.

I was expecting him to stretch forth those generous hands of his again, but he walked up to me, his budding benevolent countenance morphed into an unpromising coarse voice.

'What?! You think I am a philanthropist, or some dumbass altruistic angel?

If you want something, you take it.

That's what I do. See the foodstuffs you got yesterday, I stole 'em.

These clothes on me... I stole 'em.

See you barefooted, most of my shoes... I stole 'em!

I don't have to wait for some inconsiderate dominant pig to get what I want ne
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