Ethan's Nightmare

The night was calm and Ethan was sleeping peacefully in his room. Nothing yet indicated the tragedy that was to come but for some reason he suddenly woke up. Sweat covered his face and he looked to be terrified by something.

“A nightmare?”

He grabbed his head and tried to recall what made him so scared but no matter how hard he tried he failed to do so. All he could remember was that he felt intense fear.

“Forget it”

After calming down a bit he decided to just go back to sleep but as hard as he tried, he couldn’t and soon a more natural cause made him leave the house. The village was way too poor to afford toilets so a nice tree often had to do even if it was the middle of the night.

“Why is so cold?”

Ethan complained as he was finishing up his business. He hugged himself as a way warm up as he walked back towards the house. However he stopped as he noticed his father, mother and his siblings running in a panic towards the shed. He was confused as to what was going on but his instinct
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