He quickly averts his gaze and with his face facing behind, removes his shirt and covers her with it.

Since he is way taller than her, like 2ft, his shirt naturally drops all the way to her thighs. At least it covered the important parts, Lucian is relieved. He doesn't care that he is only in a singlet and that the weather is cold.

The only thing on his mind is getting her to safety. Should he take Dani and Mickey's car and leave? He speculates, nibbling on his lower lip.

However, at this moment, before Lucian can be done speculating, Chad's Rolls-Royce Phantom pulls over neatly beside him, and Chad and the tall burly figure from earlier alight from the car's back seat.

"Young Master Hutton!" Chad exclaims in a respectful tone and bows.

Lucian glances at him and lightly hums in acknowledgment. "You came right on time."

"Young Master!" The tall burly figure also acknowledges respectfully and bows.

However, Lucian is too tired for so many pleasantries. He is human after all. The fatigue
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